Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Video Conferencing

Parkhill Junior continues to build links with other schools via video conferencing.

Year 3 - Wednesday 27th January

Class 3D held their second video conference link with Scargill Infant School, Havering. They shared some of their class work with Class 4. Read more about this video conference by visitng the shared Parkhill and Scargill blog. The link is on the right hand side of the screen.

Year 5 - Thursday 21st January

The first link with Collège Louis Pasteur in France. We had a meet and greet session where the students in France said hello, their names and how old they are. Several children from Class 5A then did the same. They spoke very clearly and confidently. Class 5A were shown a map so they could see where in France the school is. The children will now meet on a regular basis to continue this work.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

January Snow!

Snow Poem

The January covering of snow resulted in some wonderful pictures of the school grounds. However it also inspired some very creative writing. Here is year 6 pupil's snow poem to enjoy!

Winter Wonderland

There is pin drop silence as Mother Nature covers the field with a thick white blanket of snow.

All cars are white and the face of the oak tree is slapped with ivory goodness.

Trees’ branches look like chalky spiders swaying in the light winter breeze.

The hoards of six-pointed snowflakes make hats and scarves look embedded with an intricate white collage.
God has come down and painted the whole city.

Although cold outside, the delightful beams from children’s faces give a warm fuzzy feeling to the whole atmosphere.

Snowballs are flying, children are screaming, “we are all walking in winter wonderland.”