Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Science Week 9th – 13th February 2009

Science week was a whole school activity week. It aimed to encourage children to embrace all aspects of science through fun hands on activities.

This year the topic for Science weeks was based around “Science that you can do at home”.


The Amazing Exploding Custard Man demonstrated a wide range of fascinating investigations that the children could do at home and he also blew some custard up!

Year 5’s also began their challenge to balance the largest number of pupils on 4 balloons.


We saw the first of a range of activities supplied by Science Alive. To find out more about Science Alive visit their website on Today the children were learning about the power of water and air and used a robot arm powered by hydraulics.

The Year 3 challenge was to design the largest free standing tower that they could using only spaghetti and marshmallows.


The Science Alive activities for today involved building bridges using only paper and sellotape.

In the afternoon Year 4 were “solving the world’s energy crisis” by building electrical circuits powered by citrus fruit!


The school was due to be visited by the Rock Man who was going to helpthe children investigate the different properties of rocks and minerals via a range of fascinating practical activities. Unfortunately the guest speaker had a car accident and was not able to get into school. He will be visiting soon.

Science Alive investigated how to drop eggs without breaking them and compared how this relates to car safety.

Year 6 investigated how to fire projectiles using only vitamin C tablets and water.


The whole school reviewed the week and shared their investigations with other year groups.

Science Alive repeated favourite activities from the past week in the front entrance hall for everyone to see.